Well … while I recover from my trip out into the pollen laden countryside this morning I have decided to try and start posting some additional thoughts on wildflowers across Tennessee. I am resurrecting my Tennessee Wildflower Blog I started, and have been absent from, back in the spring of 2009. As I allow my allergies to “calm down” a bit, I am looking out the window and observing maybe one of my favorite wild flowers that bloom this time of year. While many look out over the fields this season of the year and point to this weed, many have heard me state before, one can always argue that a weed is merely a misplaced plant. Not only misplaced, but maybe overlooked for its potential with just a little effect of “artificial selection” of its gene pool. I am speaking of Vernonia altissima, commonly known around the southeast as tall ironweed. This herbaceous plant is seen throughout pastures this time of year supporting a very vivid purple “bloom” atop a plant that I have observed averages about 5 or 6 feet tall around Tennessee. If one examines the “bloom” you will discover groupings of 9 or more perfect disc flowers. The leaves of this plant are alternating, and are an oval or lanceolate-oval shape.
This plant is named after William Vernon who was an English botanist who collected this plant in Maryland in the late 1600’s. This plant stands out in pastures this time of year in contrast with the bright yellow goldenrod, which cattle avoid grazing, allowing the plant to stand tall above the grassland.
As with most plants, Ironweed has a history as a medicinal plant used commonly among Native Americans. Let’s remind ourselves that plants produce primary and secondary compounds. The primary compounds; carbohydrates, lipids, peptides and nucleotides, are produced to support life sustaining functions. Secondary compounds are not essential metabolites and are apparently generated as a somewhat defensive response to nature. Many of the compounds serve as a pesticide and anti-grazing agent to help the plant respond to pest and grazing herds. However, very often some of these secondary compounds can, and have been, utilized by humans as medical remedies for a wide range of ailments. These compounds are found in various locations throughout the plants such as leaves, stems, flowers and roots. These compounds are utilized in many ways ranging from poultices, teas, and even inhaling.
The compounds primarily documented in medicinal use of Ironweed are obtained from the roots as an infusion, or tea. This tea was administered for the relief of pain after childbirth and to regulate menstruation. It has also been documented in the treatment of stomach aches and bleeding. Another use of this I found documented in a book by D. Moerman, Native American Ethnobotany, indicated that the infusion was used as a mouth wash to make loose teeth firm.
Well it’s time to go out and spend some time in the fields until I am driven back in by the onslaught of ragweed pollen. I hope that by reading this you will now look out over that pasture as you drive by, or that open area alongside the road, and recognize by name that tall wildflower, and not merely observe them as a grouping of unkempt weeds. I challenge you to also reflect on the fact that in times past many people used such plants to treat their physical needs. Think of that expanse of land you look out over as the medicine-cabinet of days gone by, and ponder where we should go in the future; however, stay focused on the traffic around you also.
Have a wonderful day!
Very well said! Thank you for this information and wise perspective.Good advice as we travel this short path between birth and death.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thank you for sharing this information!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thank you for sharing this information!
ReplyDeleteThank you! My husband mowing our back field brought me a beautiful large bouquet. Stunning in a green heavy vintage vase. Weather must have been just right as we never noticed before and they are prolific! I agree they are a beautiful flower growing in the wrong place.